Saturday 9 February 2008

The story so far...

As of the end of December begining of January I've never been so happy in my life.

Parkour is the main reason for making me this happy, not doing parkour, but the people I've met through it have changed me. I've met someone who I'm so lucky to have met!

Speaking of parkour, its been epic recently.

I made a new video, documenting my training throughout January. My knees improved, and I just felt alot better.

I've been training around my area a lot and I've been working on a lot of simple movements, I got my underbars really smooth, managed to get diving legs first, makes me a happy bunny.

I had 2 bails the other day, one wasnt so serious, missed the rail on a catpass, went hands first to the floor, not a scratch! Other one, I hit my knee on wall again! That hurt and it got cut open quite nicely.

Today I trained in Newcastle, some of us met at 9am, it was worth the early start did a lot of big precisions/arm jumps that I thought I'd never do, a lot of tricking today aswell.

It was a lovely day, awesome weather, so some of us were topless nearly all day! We started tricking at the Quayside for about an hour, attracted a nice crowd, everyone was very positive towards us, a lot of people stopped to talk to us or take pictures! I gave some of them the link to the nepk website so hopefully we'll see some of the pictures soon.

I also managed to sideflip over 5 people layed down, and I landed about a 9 foot sideflip, distance across something that is!

I'm really tired now! Could do wiht a hot bath, then crawling into bed and having someone special in bed to cuddle up too!

Keep dreaming sunshine!

As for new videos:


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